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Similar to the more detailed "Queen of Uxmal" (see drawing below), originally on Temple I of the Pyramid of the Magician, Uxmal. This less detailed vrsion is on display at the Museo Regional de Yucatán, Palacio Cantón, in Mérida.
Jan. 2001
Man's head projecting from open serpent jaws; detail of sculpture at left; discovered in 1968-1969 in debris on south side of Pyramid of the Magician, originally adorned Lower West Building (Building I).
Jan. 2002
Phallic sculpture.
Nov. 1999
The so-called "Queen of Uxmal," though seemingly a male head; now on display at the Museo Nacional de Antropología, México.
Published in Seler, “Die Ruinen von Uxmal", 1917; closely based on Seler’s on-site drawing.
Detail of raised scarification on mask at left; this is the finest of these similar surviving masks.
Published in Seler, “Die Ruinen von Uxmal", 1917; closely based on Seler’s on-site drawing.
Display outside site museum.
Jan. 2001
Detail of display outside site museum.
Jan. 2003
Detail of display outside site museum.
Jan. 2003
Detail of display outside site museum.
Jan. 2003
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