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Great Pyramid

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Lower Section of Macaws Temple

1995. "Uxmal, Great Pyramid: detail of north facade showing pendant shields."
Scanned from George F. Andrews, Pyramids and Palace, Monsters and Masks; Vol. 1, Architecture of the Puuc Regions and the Northern Plains Area, 1995 (p. 90). Reproduced with permission of Labyrinthos publishers.
Corner stack of 3 masks; small faces between the fangs of each mask.
Jan. 2001
Showing that there were unusual, tubelike projections between the snout and eyes of each mask, all but one now broken.
Jan. 2001
Showing upper mask with only unbroken tubelike projection and small head framed by profiles possibly of birds heads.
Jan. 2001
Close up of head at left.
Jan. 2001
The only surviving tube-like projection.
Jan. 2001
Middle of three small heads on corner of recessed facade.
Jan. 2002
Close up of head at left; best preserved of the three heads.
Jan. 2001
Close up of head at left.
Jan. 2001
Lowest of three small heads framed by profiles possibly of birds heads.
Jan. 2001
Close up of head at left; the three heads nearly identical.
Jan. 2001
Medial molding and mosaic pieces on west side of recessed southwest corner.
Jan. 2002
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