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Cemetery Group

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Looking northeast to depression between north and east building mounds, now used as passage into courtyard.
Jan. 2003 (24mm lens)
INAH plaque in courtyard.
Jan. 2001
Front (east) facade of temple, restored, on west side of quadrangle; there were originally smaller structures, now largely collapsed, beside the restored central structure, as shown in ground plan below.
Jan. 2001
Official INAH plaque.
Jan. 2002
Detail of plaque at left; showing vertical cross-section and back elevation of west temple.
Jan. 2002
Detail of plaque at far left; groundplan of Cemetery Group and other structures in area; arrow points to center of Cemetery courtyard, with truncated pyramid along north and original passageway into courtyard at south.
Jan. 2002
Description in Spanish.
Jan. 2002
Description in Yucatec Mayan.
Jan. 2002
Description in English.
Jan. 2001

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