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Codz Poop Platform

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Seen from Lower Plaza

 Detail of East Group from 1968 INAH map. Codz Poop at right, Platform in front of and around Codz Poop. Collapsed structure 2B3 at bottom.
Jan. 2002
 Looking southeast to north and west sides of Platform and Codz Poop above; also showing location of main staircase.
 Jan. 2003 (24mm lens)
Northeast corner of Codz Poop Platform, on higher ground so less tall than northwest corner. Corner reconstructed, northeast corner of Codz Poop largely collapsed.
Jan. 2002
Northwest corner, showing platform built upon natural rock outcropping, a common practice in Puuc region.
 Jan. 2003 (24mm lens)
 Northwest corner with slightly recessed walls, the usual practice.
Jan. 2001
Northwest corner with slightly recessed walls, natural rock outcropping at left.
Jan. 2001
Tourists climbing steep main (west) staircase to top of Codz Poop Platform.
Jan. 2001
Local guide climbing same staircase on the diagonal, much the easiest method.
Jan. 2001
Main, central (west) staircase, lined up with central door of Codz Poop; altar on ground level, not centered.
Nov. 1999
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