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1844 Catherwood

All the illustrations of Uxmal, Kabah, Sayil, and Labná in Frederick Catherwood's folio volume, Views of Ancient Monuments in Central America, Chiapas, and Yucatan (London: F. Catherwood, 1844). Prints in this volume were made under Catherwood's supervision and based on his highly accurate drawings done on site 1839-42. In contrast to the previous publications of his drawings, however, these prints (chromolithographs) were glamorized and, in some cases, the architecture was straightened and slightly reconstructed. The images on this web site were scanned from 35mm slides I have taken of the copy in the Library of the AMNH (RF-13-K). Reproduced Courtesy of The Library, Special Collections, American Museum of Natural History.

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Click images below to enlarge. Images will open in new windows.
You may open two or more images for comparisons.
"12. Ornament Over the Gateway of the Great Teocallis. Uxmal."
"13. General View of Uxmal taken from the Archway of Los Monjas, looking South."
"14. Portion of a Building Called Las Monjas at Uxmal".
"15. Portion of La Casa de las Monjas. Uxmal."
"16. General View of Kabah".
"17. Interior of the Principal Building at Kabah".
"19. Gateway at Labnah".
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