Map Help

There are two views, the map view and the birdseye view; the latter enables you to view the excavation from a birdseye vantage point. Numbered items on the map indicate a link to a contentdm image; yellow items on the map indicate content dm images that haven't been identified by position.

In the mausoleum, terracotta warriors pits, and the bronze birds, the map can be zoomed or panned:


At the top right of the map, you can control the level of zoom.

Shortcut keys:

Shift key: Zooms in
Command key: Zooms out


You can click-and-drag the mouse in the map section to pan left and right.

Shortcut keys:

Arrow keys: Moves left, right, up, or down.


Design: Samuel Gast, Tony Moreno, and Lisa Claypool

Metadata: Alex Peterson and Douglas Fix