Open to All Researchers, Students, Faculty, Staff and Persons Generally Interested in Animal Behavior


Departments and Faculty

To have your department, your seminar series, or your name added to this page, contact Suzy Renn

Portland State UniversityPSU_logo

Biology Department homepage
Biology Seminar Series

Randy Zelick - website
Susan Masta - website
Deborah Lutterschmidt

reed logo
Reed College

Biology Department page
Biology Seminar Series

Susan Renn - website
Erik Zornik - website

Psychology Department Seminar Series

Tim Hackenberg - website
Paul Currie - website
Tim Flemming - website
Michael Pitts - website

Lewis & Clark CollegeLewis&Clark_shield

Biology Department page

Autumn Keller
Greta Binford - website
Tamily Weissman-Unni - website
Christopher Olson
Ken Clifton - website
Gary Riennes - website


University of PortlandUP_logo

Biology Department page

Katie O'Reilley - website



The Vollum Institute
Vollumn Seminar Series


Washington State Univ. Vancouver

Biology Department page

Christine Portfors - website

Willamette Universitylogo

Biology Department page

Emma Coddington - website
Christopher Smith - website
David Craig - website


Oregon Zoozoo_logo

current research projects

David Shepherdson
Sharon Glaeser


(website maintained by Suzy Renn)