Laurens N. Ruben

Wm. R. Kenan Jr. Professor, Emeritus
Work Address: Room 138 Department of Biology, Reed College, Portland, OR 97202-8199
Home Address: 3108 SE Crytstal Springs Blvd., Portland, OR. 97202
Telephone: Work=(503) 777-7276; Home=(503) 771-6948; Fax: (503) 777-7773;



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Wm R Kenan Jr. Professor Emeritus Reed College-retired from formal teaching, however the lab remains active with Reed Senior thesis research students and Rachel Johnson, Res. Assist; Recent visiting scientists in my lab; Dr. Arthur Malley, retired from the Oreg.Reg. Primate Res. Center, Dr. Philip Grant, retired U.of O., Eugene and the N.I.H. and 25 year collaborator, Dr. Richard. H. Clothier, Queens Medical Centre, Nottingham, UK.; 1955-1992, 15 years Research Support with NIH-C-2913, NIH-HD-1234, NIH-C-7-1819; one year with NSF-GB-38480; 15 years with NIH-AI-12846; one year with Medical Res. Found. of Oregon and 5 years with Amer. Cancer Soc.grant #IM 651 and 651-A. Biology Departmental Chair 1959-60,1967-68,1972-81,1985-87; 1987, Visiting Prof. University of Durham, U.K., Dr. John D. Horton Collaborator; 1983 to present, Research Affiliate/Collaborating Scientist of the Oregon Regional Primate Research Center, Beaverton; 1982, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, Dr. Robert Auerbach, Collaborator; 1977 to 1987, Visiting Prof. Queen`s Medical Centre, Univ. of Nottingham, U.K., Drs. Michael Balls and Dr. Richard Clothier, Collaborators; 1976, Visiting Scientist, The Walter and Eliza Hall Inst. for Med. Res. Melbourne, Australia, Dr. John J. Marchalonis, Collaborator; 1971-72; Visiting Scientist, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, CA., Dr. Richard W. Dutton, Collaborator; Summer 1968, Visiting Scientist, University of East Anglia, Norwich, U.K., Dr. M. Balls, Collaborator; 1962-63, Visiting Scientist, Station Experimentale, L`Universite´ de Geneve, Switz., Prof. Michael Fishberg, Director, Dr. M. Balls, Collaborator. Summer 1961, Faculty Member, Embryology Course at the Marine Biological Labs., Woods Hole, MA.; Summer 1954, Instructor and Director of the Summer Program in Zoology, Columbia University; 1970 and 1971, visiting faculty member at the Oregon Health Sciences University in " Cell Organization and Function" course for Freshman Med. students and in the Graduate "Cell. Organization and Function" course several years prevously; 1982-1986, Elected Member of the Board of Trustees, Bermuda Biol. Station. Back to Top


1988, Named the William R. Kenan Jr. Professor in Biology at Reed College; 1987, $1 million donated anonymously to Reed for a Laurens N. Ruben Chair in Biology; Elected 1st co-recipient of the Burlington-Northern Faculty Achievement Award for Teaching and Research at Reed; 1983, Panel Member, Internat'l. Union of Biol. Sci. Comm. on monitoring Bio-Indicators in the Environment(Representing ISDCI); 1989-91 President International Society for Developmental and Comparative Immunology; 1975, the first Elected Chair of the Div. of Dev. Comp. Immunol. of the Amer. Soc. Zoologists; original member of Editorial Board, Journal of Devel. Comp. Immunol.-served for 10 years; 1986-1994 member of the Executive Council of ISDCI; 1991- Organizer and Host of the Vth Internat'l Congress of ISDCI at Reed College; 1990, member Editorial Board, Amer. Zool.; 1969, Principal Foreign Lecturer, the Imperial Cancer Fund, Newcastle Med.Sch. U.K.; 1963, Principal Foreign Lecturer, Swiss Zool. Soc. in Geneva, Switzerland; 1951-52, Trusteeship (Head TA in Zoology at Columbia Univ.; 1950, Phi Kappa Phi Nat'l Honorary at Michigan, MS; 1949, Graduated AB with Honors in Zoology.Back to Top


1992, N.I.H. Special Study Section-Immunology (AREA); 1991 Amer. Heart Assoc. (Oregon Affiliate) Grant Review Panel; 1988-1992, Natl. Res. Council., Hughes Med. Res. Found. Cell. Biol.& Immunol. Panel, Wash., D.C.; 1965, N.S.F. Fellowship Review Panel, Wash. D.C.; 1965, One of 20 investigators selected for a State Dept.-N.S.F. Amer.-Japan Cooperative Symposium in Tokyo; travelled in small groups as an Evaluation Panel of Japanese Grad. Departments and individuals; 1959, N.S.F. Fellowship Review Panel, Wash. D.C. Back to Top



1960, Co-organizer 1st Annual West Coast Devel. Biol. Conf.; 1961, Organi- zer and Chair of the 2nd Annual Conf. at Lake Arrowhead, CA.; 1962-64, Program Officer, Div. Devel. Biol. of the Amer. Soc. Zool.; 1980, Co-organizer Symp.(with Eric Gershwin, UC Davis) "The Biological Significance of Immune Regulation" for Div. Devel. Comp. Immunol., Amer. Soc. Zool., Seattle, Wash.; 1980-83, Organization Comm. of the 1st and 4th Annual Northwest Immunol. Conf. at Timberline Lodge, Mt. Hood, OR.; 1983, Co-organizer Plenary Session on "Immune Regulation", 2nd Internat'l. Congr. Devel. Comp. Immunol., at UCLA; 1985 Nominating committee, Div. of Dev. and Comp. Immunol.; In the Post-Sputnik years: representative of the A.A.A.S. in Washington, D.C for upgrading science education in the Public Schools in three states, Oregon, Idaho and Washington (4 years). Participated on Oregon and National Education panels, gave speeches and served with the Oregon Teachers Education Practices Commission to set educational standards for public school science teachers; 1983, Subcommittee of the Internat`l Union of Biol. Soc. on Biomonitoring, Paris, France; 1980 to 1992, Research Review Panel, Oreg. Health Sci. Univ. for the Medical Research Foundation of Oregon; 1980-82, Search Committee for the Director of the Oreg. Reg. Prim.Res. Center; 1981-1992, Summer Fellowship Review Panel for the Oreg. Affiliate, Amer. Heart Assoc., 1984-85, Director of the Oreg. Heart Summer Fellowship Program; 1984, member of panel appointed by the Director to recommend research directions for the future at the Oreg. Reg. Prim. Res. Center; Three doctoral committees at O.H.S.U., two at O.S.U. and an external Ph.D examiner at the Univ. of Madurai, India and at the U. of Nottingham, UK; 1985-86 Search Comm. for Molecular Immunol. at the Oreg. Reg. Prim. Res Center; 1985-Graduate School appointment at O.S.U. for Doctoral Comm., Dept. of Zoology; 1988-1992, Member of Advisory Committee for a Lecture/Discussion Series on Biomedical Ethics and Humanties-sponsored by the Philosophy Department and the Continuing Education Department, Portland State University; 1994-95 member of the Community Relations Committee of the Congenital Heart Center of OHSU.
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Editorial Reviews for:

  1. MacMillan Co.
  2. Holt-Rinehart-Winston
  3. Cancer Research
  4. J. Morphology
  5. J. Exper. Zool.
  6. Member of the Editorial Board-Devel. and Comp. Immunol. (10 years)
  7. Science
  8. J. Nat´l. Cancer Institute.
  9. Carcinogensis
  10. Amer. Zool. Editorial Board (1990-95)
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