Family: Oxalidaceae
Common name: wood-sorrel family [Zomlefer, pp. 136-139]
Diversity: Worldwide: 3-8 genera; ~900 species
U.S.: 1 genus
PNW (Hitchcock & Cronquist): 1 genus
Flower -- Vegetative Features -- Economic Importance -- Flower Images-- Web Sites

K5 Co5 S10 P (5)
Sexuality: bisexual
Symmetry: actinomorphic
Inflorescence: cyme (may appear as an umbel)
Calyx (sepals): 5 separate
Corolla (petals): 5 separate or fused at base
Androecium: 10, monadelphous, biseriate with outer whorl shorter and opposite the petals,
sometimes with filament length dimorphism or trimorphism (heterostyly)
Gynoecium: 5 free or partially united carpels, superior ovary (=hypogynous), 5 free styles, axile placentation,
style length di/trimorphism (heterostyly)
Fruit: capsule
Other features: both heterostylous and cleistogamous species are known

Vegetative Features
Leaves: alternate, palmately (trifoliate) to pinnately compound, exstipulate,
often with acrid taste (oxalic acid)
Life-history: perennial or annual
Habit: mostly herbs
Distribution & Ecology: mostly tropical, subtropical
Some Northwest Genera: Oxalis, wood-sorrel

Economic Importance
Ornamentals: Oxalis sp., Irish shamrock
Weedy and pest species: Oxalis pes-caprae, Bermuda buttercup

Examples Oxalidaceae Oxalis
Oxalidaceae Oxalis
click on the genus name for a flower image

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