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Ancient Rome and 21st C. Rome

Only the foundation of the Ara Pacis remains in its original location. Like much of ancient Rome, the foundation lies many feet below the landfill and structures built on top over the centuries. The major excavation of the Ara Pacis took place in 1937-38, under what was then a corner of the Palazzo Fiano-Almagià and adjoining street, the Via in Lucina. Portions excavated then along with reliefs and fragments that had appeared over the years were then reconstructed between the Tiber River and the Mausoleum of Augusus, where the Ara Pacis remains today, approxmatetly 450 meters (ca. 1/4 mile) northwest of its original location.

Ancient Roman structures survive throughout regions of the ancient Roman empire, in Europe, Britain, and the Mediterranean. But Rome itself is perhaps unique among major cities in its dense, continuous layering of its ancient structures with those of all later periods, a surviving record of its physical past and present, richly juxtaposed.